Back in 2010, Origo Holdings was not much more than an idea, mixed together with our hopes, enthusiasm and unbridled ambition, but also incredible uncertainty regarding its future. Today, Origo is more than just hopes and ideas, it is now a solid foundation built on our tenacity and hard work.
However, we still stuck firm to our principle to only do reliable work with reliable people, and partnered only with those who shares in our goals and ideals. During this time, we did our best to break down the barriers of age, geography and industry, and really create a platform that realizes our diverse partnership model and truly belongs to Origo.
In this process of building Origo, we marvelled at the astonishing expansion of China’s economy and industry. At the same time, we watched, distilled and learned from the management experience of the best domestic and international companies, never missing anything that helps us to move forward toward our goals. We know that making vision into reality doesn’t happen overnight, and we are always looking for more people to join us in fulfilling our mission of “starting from Origo, harmony in diversity.”
Lance Hui